The 13 CSS Properties I Use 99% Of The Time

CSS is the easiest website design skill to learn and apply. I use the same 13 CSS properties over and over again with very few exceptions. Practice applying these 13 CSS properties to HTML Divs and see how perfect of an HTML template you can make for your self.

The 13 CSS Properties I Use 99% Of The Time

1 background
2 border
3 color
4 display
5 font
6 margin
7 padding
8 float
9 width
10 height
11 overflow
12 position
13 text-align

I recently learned there is a crisis in web development.

Reading Reddit it becomes apparent that there are web developers taking jobs who do not know CSS or HTML.

It is amazing how bad languages can seem after maintainers add in hoards of junk properties.

Everyone stop using DIV! It is archaic now! We use Grid instead! And definitely do not let me catch you using Tables!

Get bent, seriously.

The perfect template is a body with div's. No article, sections, header, footer HTML tags. Let the search engines index a perfect template with no open Divs or redundancy. Allowing the search engine to determine your index-worth through div's is a more powerful long-term strategy and the reasons are a bit exhaustive why this is the case in an ever-changing Internet landscape. When did these HTML tags come about and who decided we must switch from Div?

Grid is the new big thing in CSS yet those of us using Divs could not possibly imagine the concept of grids not having been introduced to the word Grid when using tables or divs when that was the div's exact purpose is to build HTML grids. Did these people just realize how HTML works and responded by forming a committee shouting, "Div is being renamed to Grid except not everywhere and in combination with the other new lengthy HTML words replacing divs like article, section, header footer, and more to be determined later never-ending exhaustively because screw your memory and we will force you to memorize a never-ending list of words replacing the very simple div."

The old table system with iframes will build a better Internet than an Internet governed by unelected central banks and impossible standards that erase the beauty in a perfect template.

I could not possibly believe someone not proficient in CSS could ever be proficient in HTML at the same time.

The value of concise human CSS and HTML is higher in priority than concise programming in the eyes of the search engines as best witnessed by the business' bottom-line. Anyone who could hire accurately on the front-end will also have an eye for branding and design talent. That type of environment combined with star project managers and leads always requires high-level programmers with masterful proficiency and orchestral synchronization with the team.

HTML and CSS are getting their list of woke properties that really do nothing for the customer; e.g.: the quality of animations made in CSS versus the ability of the device's browser to process a multi-second animation compared to the processing ability of an animation coded with classless JavaScript. This stretch of one language's fluidity into languages which should stay designed for a very obvious lane should not take on impossible to resource tasks nor can CSS best JavaScript in any animation.

Make the website lightspeed at each tier of the website code: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Front-End, JavaScript Server-Side.

Using these 13 CSS properties 99% of the time will guarantee you are able to make rapid iterations of perfect HTML CSS templates. There are very limited exceptions to this rule and some additional lesser properties that will be extremely easy to remember once it is understood how these thirteen CSS properties govern most anything anyone needs HTML to do. Truth be told someone skilled in perfect HTML and CSS templates can easily out-pace all of the programmers and management and team. The code is very simple to implement concisely and perfectly and no team could possibly follow in the footsteps of this code as quickly as it's containers are written. This would also mean that the job is either seasonal according to development needs or perennial with the guide of numerous teams requiring an annual budget dedicated to HTML and CSS.

Most of the tech industry could be fixed with strictly hiring individuals who each write classless and concise front-end and server-side vanilla JavaScript but who also first write a perfect HTML and CSS template before the JavaScript is added. HTML and CSS templates can be printed-out on paper and undergo very detailed A/B user-testing before any code is written.

This would also mean the developer who takes care of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript also has time to take care of A/B tests and be the full closed-loop developer for that web application's beginning and ending processes notwithstanding that developer assigned to a project manager who coordinates with other project managers under the Vice President of the company who is responsible as an Accountant and subordinate to the President who reviews work and accepts board direction notwithstanding the President's own influence with the board.